GENERAL GUIDELINES: Use the ordinary World Builder game commands: n/s/e/w, up/down, USE, GET etc. Additional commands will introduce themselves by name. The usual WB guidelines apply: TALK to anyone you meet, and don't forget to SEARCH. Commands may have different consequences the second time around, so try everything twice--within the limits of ordinary common sense.
SPECIFIC TIPS: The exterior views of the Tower are accurate, so take a good look before you go in--or you may have trouble getting out again. If you read the room descriptions carefully, you'll see that the overall floor plan is perfectly straightforward; this isn't by any stretch Gormenghast. It IS possible to get killed in the Tower, though you have to be pretty, well, I guess "determined" is the tactful word, but do watch out for the proverbial cornered rat. If the situation seems desperate and you believe you've exhausted all your resources, try finding a place to sit and think.
CAUTION: As with any WB game, you will probably not be able to open saved games directly from the desktop. Nobody seems to know what to do about this.
PLUG: If you want me to make more & bigger games, send $10 to:
Louise Hope / Pleasant Grove Apts #10F/ Ithaca NY 14850
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